Looking after your home

We work hard to maintain your home so it works for you. We are committed to providing you with an excellent repairs service.


Completed 14,327 repairs

We spend on average over £1,300 per year on repairs to homes

This is more than most housing associations we’re compared with.

Maintained a 100% record for completing emergency repairs in 24 hours

Completed standard repairs in 22 days, against a 28 day target

This is 12 days longer than 2019/20 because we had to delay some repairs due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Our lockdown recovery plans allowed us to deal with over 2,000 outstanding repairs, whilst also receiving and completing new repairs

Following extensive consultation with customers about priorities, we’ve improved repairs and empty homes standards, and continue to do so

85% of customers said they were satisfied with their most recent repair

Keeping your communities clean and tidy

Our cleaning team worked tirelessly through each lockdown to keep blocks and estates clean and safe.

During periods of lockdown, grounds maintenance and tree work carried on as normal, as did our ambition to continually improve on quality. The neighbourhood wardens are out and about all week dealing with issues such as fly tipping, parking and fire safety in communal areas. Our Estate Management team is committed to dealing with issues quickly and effectively, improving your neighbourhoods. We’re working with contractors to deliver high quality services, improving where we need to.


81% of residents satisfied with estate cleaning

71% of residents satisfied with window cleaning

We are making improvements following your feedback.

77% of residents satisfied with the grounds maintenance service

We will continue to consult on service standards when we procure new contracts.

Keeping you safe

Keeping you safe is our number one priority. Our main areas of inspection are fire, gas, electricity, asbestos, lifts and water hygiene.

All the communal areas in blocks of flats have a valid fire risk assessment, Legionella risk assessment, electrical safety certificates and annual gas safety checks if they have a gas supply.

The most important factor is that we are confident that you are safe living in your home.