Raven’s excellent customer service recognised for seventh year

Raven has once again been awarded the prestigious Customer Service Excellence (CSE) accreditation, awarded to public organisations that can prove they know and understand their customers and deliver high quality services which are continuously improving.

This year, we also achieved another eight compliance plus points – awarded for exceptional work in a particular area – with recognition given for continuing to put customers at the heart of what we do.

Whilst this is an impressive result, we cannot become complacent and are committed to continuously improving what we do. Our planning for next year’s assessment has started already. Thank you to the staff who were involved with the collection of evidence and interviews.

We care about getting things right, and use your feedback to improve what we do. If you have something to say about our services, please tell us by calling 0300 123 3399 or emailing raven@ravenht.org.uk