Pathway to Employment

Supporting Lisa to find work

Before moving to one of Raven's temporary accommodation schemes, Lisa* was living at a Women's Aid Refuge when she was referred to our Pathway to Employment project.**

The project has helped a staggering 26 people find work since April 2019, most of whom, like Lisa, have been on long and bumpy journeys to reach their employment goals.

English is not Lisa's first language; she finds it difficult to read and has no formal qualifications. She had aspirations to go to college to learn English and had previously started courses but wasn't able to complete her studies after having to move areas unexpectedly.

With our support, she found a local college that offered the courses she wanted and together we enrolled her.

Lisa is currently enjoying her studies and has already improved enough to move on to the next level in her ESOL (English to speakers of other languages) course. As public transport and travel in general can be expensive in this area, we are supporting Lisa with funding to enable her to continue her studies.

Despite her difficulties, Lisa is determined to move forward and is keen to start work. We wrote a CV together and she has begun to apply for part-time jobs in the local area. The next step is interview practice!

It has been an absolute pleasure to support Lisa and I'm amazed by her resilience and determination to make what she can of her life. It has been thoroughly rewarding to see her confidence grow in the six months we have worked together and to see her settled in her new Raven home.

*Lisa is not her real name.

** This project is funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund.