Customer Connect

Customer Panel – What have we been doing?

The Customer Panel ‘Customer Connect’ was set in September 2020 to support the Better Connected programme in delivering Raven's Vision to ‘ensure all our customers are connected to services they value and trust; services that work alongside them, saving them time, giving them options, and helping them enjoy their homes’.

To deliver this vision, Raven will be putting customers at the heart of what they do, through various means, where the panel is a key part. We provide advice and challenge on the Better Connected Programme and Core Principles. Meeting regularly on specific issues, we act as a critical friend on the new processes being put in place, to ensure they are designed with the customer in mind.

Update from Claire, member of the panel.

Recently myself and the other panel members have been meeting (virtually) with various people from Raven who are involved with making sure us residents are receiving the best possible service from Raven and their contractors. We have been able to get really involved and have our say about what we feel would benefit residents from all perspectives. We’ve been able to give our good and not so good experiences so improvements can be made.

t’s been really interesting meeting all the different people involved and hearing all the proposed ideas being suggested to give residents a better service that suits everyone. I can honestly say Raven really does have all of us at the heart of the ideas - such as appointment times that suit us and yearly checks completed in one single appointment - are being tested.

We are always looking for more people to join the panel, to find out more an register your interest please visit:

Involving customers in shaping our Customer Experience Strategy and Customer Engagement Framework

Update from David, member of Falcon (Residents Board)

In May this year a member of the Better Connected panel and myself (a member of Falcon), both representing residents, presented the Raven Board with a new and more customer-focused approach to tenant engagement.

Over the last few years resident groups and Raven have recognised that more understanding is needed of residents’ concerns, priorities and aspirations. Also, that a better way of capturing these insights was needed to improve decision-making, policies and services.

Members of the resident board have been involved from the beginning in the above developments - many discussions have taken place about customer service standards and Raven’s transformation plan which is leading to a much more digitally-connected service.

We have used research by national housing organisations to help develop this new Customer Experience Strategy, which will allow for different levels of involvement, such as social media platforms, tenant forums, Raven’s website, contacting Raven staff, completing surveys by telephone, text or online, resident panels and other discussion groups and neighbourhood tenant groups etc.

Much good work has already been done by Raven but more will follow to ensure the customer voice is heard at every level and residents have a stronger role in holding their landlord to account, with greater transparency in decision-making.